Just a few thoughts.

– Listening to the re-print of Chocolate Watch Band’s “No Way Out” — which, there are a few tracks that do not feature the complete line-up (just wouldn’t be a garage rock record without miserable complications!) — and I realized their ‘dedications’ list on the back cover is damned near interminable. I’m thinking of turning it into a weekly feature — a multi-part series entitled: “Who’s Who in the Dedications on ‘No Way Out?” which includes some luminaries as Richard Nixon, Humphrey Bogart, Walter Cronkite and Donald Duck. Think of it as the American response to the Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper” album cover, where the Chocolate Watch Band outdoes the Beatles on text, and not on their famous ‘who’s who’ album cover.

– I saw an interesting sight in a rerun of “The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror IXX” — and one I’ve been meaning to comment on.  Expect that in a few days.

– Is there anything in particular you’d like to see covered on this site? Let me know.

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